International Attachés
"Equitable access to land, integrated rural development, sustainable agriculture and food security for all"
International Attachés
Vacant |
Agricultural Attaché : Paris (Level 13) 59 Quai d’Orsay, 75343 Paris Cedex 07, PARIS FRANCE 00 33 1 53 59 23 23 Fax: 00 33 1 45 50 31 89 Cell: 00 33 6 46875264
Vacant |
Agricultural Attaché : India SA High Commission, Vasant Vihar, NEW DELHI, 110 057, INDIA 00 91 11 2 614 9411
Mr S.G. Kelembe |
Agricultural Attaché : Russia SA Embassy, 123001, Granatny Per. 1, bldg. 9 Moscow 007 495 926 1177, Ext 222 Fax: 007 495 926 1178
Vacant |
Agricultural Attaché : Addis Ababa Embassy of the Republic of South Africa P.O. Box 1091 ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA Cisco Ext: 21018 00 251 1 371 1002/ 1017 Fax: 00 251 1 371 3035
Ms N.Z.G. Vutula |
Dr. B.R. Ntshabele |