- SSC WC 23 (2019/2020) DRDLR: Appointment of a service provider to lease, install, provide support and maintenance of the pabx and telephone management system for the department of rural development and land reform for a period of (36) months.
- CONLP-03-0007 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the repairing of macena pack house at Muyexe village located within the jurisdiction of creater Giyani Local Municipality In Mopani District of Limpopo
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (757) 000 R: Appointment of service provider for the feasibility study, design and construction monitoring of Harry Gwala massification irrigation project phase 1, within Umzimkhulu Local Municipality In Kwazulu-Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3(756) 3T: Appointment of service provider to conduct tractor driving course and elementary training mechanics of 33 learners from 4 prioritised districts of umzinyathi, Kinng Cetshwayo, umkhanyakude and Ilembe district in the province of Kwazulu Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (753) 000 R: Appointment of service provider to supply and deliver 5 ton truck for clanso farmer production support unit(fpsu) located in ward 18,24,27 and 28 in the Umhlathuze Local Municipality within King Cetshwayo District Municipality in the province of Kwazulu-Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (752) 000R: Appointment of a contractor for the construction of a storage shed unit for hopewell in the Harry Gwala District in the province of Kwazulu-Natal
- DRDLRClean- PSSC- FS – 03(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider for rendering standard cleaning and hygiene services for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform for PSSC: Free State office – Bloemfontein, 136 SA Eagle building for a period of twenty four months
- DRDLR (CRD-09) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to render garden maintenance services for a period of 24 months: Bloemfontein deeds registry
- DRDLR (CRD-09) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to render garden maintenance services for a period of 24 months: Bloemfontein deeds registry
- Appointment of a suitably qualified service provider to develop, host ,maintain provide training and after care services of an online decision support system including ndimo desk for agricultural extension, forestry and fisheries advisory and management services for a period of five years
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3(755) LRD: The supply, delivery and erection of 17.08 km of 9 strand barbed wire fence for Vetchkop, Spitskop, Giftkop, Pangbourne , Vaalkrantz And Vermaakskraal farm sites under 1hh1ha at Umvoti, Endumeni And Alfred Duma Local Municipalities within Umzinyathi And Uthukela District In Kwazulunatal.
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (747) 000R: Appointment of a service provider for the design and construction monitoring of Isiphephelosejuba shelter for victim of crime and violence, at Jozini Local Municipality under Umkhanyakude District Municipality In Kwazulu-Natal
- OVG (05) 2019/20: Appointment of service provider to render cleaning and Hygiene services for the office of the Valuer General for a period of 36 months.
- NW-TEN 02 (014) 19/20: Appointment of a panel of service providers to assist with sighting, drilling, testing & equipping of boreholes in the DR Kenneth Kaunda District Municipalities of the North West province
- NW-TEN 02 (013) 2019/20: Appointment of a panel of service providers to assist with sighting, drilling, testing & equipping of boreholes in Bojanala District Municipalities of the North West province
- NW-TEN 02 (012) 2019/20: Appointment of a panel of service providers to assist with sighting,drilling,testing & equipping of boreholes in the DR Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipalities of the North West province
- NW-TEN 02 (011) 19/20: Appointment of a panel of service providers to assist with sighting,drilling,testing & equipping of boreholes in the Ngaka Modiri Mlema District municipalities of the North West province
- DRDLR (CRD-06) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to render repair and Maintenance services of stand-by generators at the office of the registrar of deeds in Pretoria, Kimberley and Umtata for a period of thirty six (36) months.
- DRDLR-MP 0012 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to supply and Deliver light delivery vehicles in Mpumalanga shared service centre.
- DRDLR-MP 0011 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and Install charcoal manufacturing plant in Msukaligwa Local Municipality in the Mpumalanga province.
- DRDLR-MP 0009 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to render cleaning and Hygiene services for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform – regional land claims commission for a period of 36 months.
- Compulsory briefing session questions and answers for bid no. DRDLR (CRD-08) 2019/20
- DRDLR (CRD-07) 2019/20: Once-off supply, delivery and installation of office furniture for the Pietermaritzburg deeds.
- DRDLR (CRD-07) 2019/20: Once-off supply, delivery and installation of office furniture for the Pietermaritzburg deeds.
- CONLP-03-0006 (2019/20) appointment of a service provider for the development of Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone Regional Spatial Development Framework.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0052 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to develop the national spatial development framework implementation charter for a period of 6 months.
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0049(2019/2020): Appointment of service providers to provide performance audit and legal compliance audit specialists at the department of Rural development and land reform, for three audit projects as per the 2019/2020 annual internal audit plan over a period of six months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0048 (2019/2020): Appointment of service providers to conduct corporate Governance training for communal property associations in nine (9) provinces for a period of six (6) months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0047 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to provide catering services for national rural youth service corps (narysec) and staff of the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) at the narysec Thaba Nchu college for a period of twelve (12) months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0046 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to render standard cleaning services for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform head offices at 184 Jeff Masemola, 388 Thabo Sehume And 224 Helen Joseph street for a period of twenty- four (24) months
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (741) 3T: Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver sanitary pads machine and raw material for the Zamokwakhe trading cooperative limited in the Dannhauser Local Municipality Amajuba District in the province of Kwazulu Natal
- DRDLR EC 014 (2019/20): Expression of Interest to lease and operate the fish river resort on behalf of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform for a period of up to 30 years but not less than 20 years
- DRDLR EC 013 (2019/20): Specification to appoint a service provider for the supply and delivery of a 4 ton refrigerated truck for Xashimba abattoir in the Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality in the Chris Hani District
- DRDLR EC 012(2019): Terms of reference for the appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and offload 2 bakkies in Intsika Yethu Local Municipality, Chris Hani District in the Eastern Cape province
- 5/2/2/1 CON 0004 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the construction of 27 km water pipeline system for five farms in Askham ・Loch Lomond Under Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality, Zf Mgcawu District Municipality in the Northern Cape Province
- 5/2/1 (0 489) 2019/2020: Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver International electronic and printed journals for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period of 36 months .
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (738) 000R: Construction of a tractor depot for the beneficiaries of Hlathikhulu (Nkosi Mkhize) farmers production support unit (Kwa-Mkhize pack-house which will be operating as farmers production support unit) at Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality in Uthukela District Municipality In Kwazulu-Natal.
- NW-TEN 02(009) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipments (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Kennet Kaunda District Municipality in the North West province
- NW-TEN 02(010) 19/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipments (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Bojanala District Municipality in the North West province
- NW-TEN 02(008) 19/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipments (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District in the North West province
- NW-TEN 02(007) 19/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipments (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Ngaka Molema District in the North West province.
- DRDLR MP0007 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to lease, install, provide support and maintenance for voip telephone system as well as switchboard systems at the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform at the Ehlanzeni, Ermelo and Piet Retief offices: for a period of (36) months.
- DRDLRMP 0008 (2019/2020): Department of Rural Development and Land Reform invites tenders for appointment of a service provider for supply, delivery and offloading of dragline irrigation system materials for Buffelspruit, Figtree C, Figtree D, Langeloop 1, Madadeni, Nhlangu East and Nhlangu West irrigation schemes in Nkomazi Local Municipality in Mpumalanga province.
- DRDLR EC 010 (2019/20): Terms of Reference for the appointment of a service provider to conduct a veld fire risk assessment analysing the exposure of environmental assets in land reform farms and state land within the Eastern Cape province
- CRDP-MP0001 (2019/2020): Professional service provider in consortium / multidisciplinary for the establishment of a technical support unit to provide project management, planning and high level of design and built environment professional services for a period of two years for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform in the Mpumalanga province
- CONMP0018(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for the construction of 35 houses with basic services in Paardeplaats and Reitfontien farm in Emakhazeni Local Municipality, Mpumalanga province.
- CON MP 0016 (2019/2020): Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Pretoria head office invites tenders for appointment of a contractor for the construction of cattle handling facilities in Khombaso and Mabundzeni villages situated in Nkomazi Local Municipality, Ehlanzeni District in Mpumalanga province
- CON MP 0015 (2019/2020): Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Pretoria head office invites tenders for appointment of a contractor for the construction of Mzinti villages situated in mzinti village Innkomazi Local Municipality, Ehlanzeni District in Mpumalanga province
- CON MP 0014 (2019/2020): Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Pretoria head office invites tenders for appointment of a consortium or service provider to render turnkey services for the design and construction of the 2km access road to surfaced rooad for the huttington packhouse in Huttington village in Bushbukridge Local Municipality, Ehlanzeni District In Mpumalanga province
- 5/2/2/1-RDLRNC 0006 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for the rendering of standard cleaning and hygiene services for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform: regional land claims commissioner: Northern Cape for a period of twenty – four 24 months
- CONLP-03-0005 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the repairing of macena pack house at muyexe village located within the jurisdiction of greater Giyani Local Municipality in Mopani District of Limpopo province
- SSC WC Q07 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider to develop an urban upgrading precinct plan for piketberg gateway and central integration zone, Bergrivier Municipality, within a period of 10 (ten) months
- SSC WC 08 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to render cleaning and hygiene services for DRDLR Provincial Shared Service Centre Western Cape for a period of 36 months
- SSC WC 05 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver moulds for mamre concrete project located in the city of Cape Town Local Municipality, Cape Metropolitan District in the Western Cape Province.
- SS-KZN 7/1/7 (723) 000 R: The supply, delivery and erection of 317 km 6 strand barbed wire fence for livestock quality production areas in various local municipalities within the Umkhanyakude District Municipality in the Kwazulu – Natal.
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (722) 000R: Appointment of a contractor for the construction of a storage shed unit for hopewell in the Harry Gwala District in the province of Kwazulu-Natal
- RDLR-MP0004 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to develop a land use scheme for Dipaleseng Local Municipality situated within Gert Sibande District Municipality In Mpumalanga province
- DRDLR-MP 0003 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to render standard Cleaning services for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform for the office of surveyor general for a period of 24 months within Ehlanzeni District Municipality In Mpumalanga province
- Pricing schedule for rendering of standard cleaning and hygiene services for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform: Provincial Shared Service Centre: Northern Cape for a period of twenty-four (24) months
- 5/2/2/1-RDLRNC 0001 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for the rendering of standard cleaning and hygiene services for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform: provincial shared service centre: Northern Cape for a period of twenty – four 24 months
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 ( 720) 3L: Appointment of a service provider for rendering of standard cleaning, hygiene, gardening and maintenance services for the Ladysmith District office 45 beacon street hospital park ladysmith for the period of 24 months
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0027 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Eastern Cape Province For The Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0026 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Northern Cape province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0025(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Free State province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0024 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Western Cape Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0023 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Kwazulu Natal Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0019 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Gauteng Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- Drdlr (Crd-01) 2019/20: Appointment Of A Service Provider To Render Programme Management Services For Management Of The Electronic Deeds Registration System Project (E-Drs) And Other Supporting Projects Over A Periodof 48 Months.
- PSSC GP CON 0003(2019/2020): Appointment Of A Contractor For Supply And Installation Of Twenty (20) Production Tunnels Including Irrigation System, Electric Connection, Drilling And Installation Of 1(One) X Borehole, Water Pumps And Storage Tanks At Bekkersdal Fpsu Situatuated In Bekkersdal Under Rand West Local Municipality, West Rand District Municipality, Gauteng Province.
- PSSC GP CON 0002(2019/2020): Appointment Of A Contractor For Demolitions Of Existing Structures, Supply And Installation Of Twenty (20) Production Tunnels With Irrigation And Electric Connection In Carmel Estate Fpsu In Magaliesburg Under Mogale City Local Municipality, West Rand District, Gauteng Province
- PSSC GP CON 0001(2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for supply and installation of twenty (20) production tunnels with irrigation and electric connection, drilling, installation of one borehole, installation of water pumps and storage tanks in eikenhof fpsu under Midvaal Local Municipality, Sedibeng District, Gauteng Province
- DRDLR-RID-FS 0002 (2019/2020): The appointment of a contractor to undertake the construction of the stock water projects in Boshetto And Rosendal Commonages In Maluti A Phofung And Dihlabeng Local Municipalities within Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality in the Free State Province
- DRDLR-REID-FS 0001 (2019/2020): The appointment of a contractor to supply, construct, delivery and erection of two vegetable tunnels for Mmakatleho Cooperative in Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality within Thabo Mofutsanyane District in the Free State Province
- DRDLR (PSSC GP) -0005 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to manage the monthly maintenance of chainsaws, supply and deliver two-stroke fuel and chainsaw oil to the three debushing projects sites namely: portion 7 leeuwkraal 184jr, portion 9 leeuwkraal 184jr and portion 12 leeuwkraal 184jr city of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality for a period of six (06) months
- DRDLR (CRD-01) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to render Programme Management Services for management of the electronic Deeds Registration System Project (e-DRS) and other supporting projects over a period of 48 months
- CONLP-03-0003 2019/2020: Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform Pretoria head office invites tenders for appointment of a contractor for the construction of Madzivhandila college access road located within the jurisdication of Thulamela Local Municipality in Vhembe District Of Limpopo Province
- CONLP-03-0001 (2019/20) : Appointment of a service provider to render cleaning services for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform for Provincial Shared Service Center, Sekhukhune District office at Jane Furse in Limpopo Province, for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
- CONMP0010 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider for the design and construction of Office block, training facility and Veterinary clinic at the Mkhuhlu Agri-Hub in the Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, Ehlanzeni District in Mpumalanga Province.
- CONMP0009 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider for the design and installation of solar street lighting in Doornkop, Steve Local Municipality, Nkangala District in Mpumalanga Province.
- CON MP 0008 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider for the supply, deliver, erection of Hydroponics structures in Kameelrevier, Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality, Nkangala District in Mpumalanga Province
- OVG (03) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply, install, configure and maintain a telephone management and switchboard system for the office of the valuer-general on a lease basis for a period of 36 months
- OVG (02) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to establish a project management office (pmo) and provide project management (pm) services for the office of the valuer-general for a period of 12 months
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0006(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for installation, repair,replacement and maintenance of electrical services in the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform for a period of 36 months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0030(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider(s) to conduct strategic assessment of the environment by compiling environmental management frameworks (emfs) and develop listed activities's exclusion standards in and for three (3) investsa prioritized districts municipalities of Umkhanyakude In Kwa-Zulu Natal), Waterberg In Limpopo abd John Taolo Gaetsewe in Northern Cape over a period of eighteen months (18) months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0029(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to conduct farm assessment of grant – based land that was acquired and transferred from 1994-2018 through restitution , redistribution and tenure reform programmes for a period of 24 months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0027 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Eastern-Cape Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0026(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Northern Cape Province for the department of rural development and land reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0026(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Northern Cape Province for the department of rural development and land reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0025 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services In Free State Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0025 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services In Free State Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0024(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Western Cape Province for the Department of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0024(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Western Cape Province for the Department of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0023 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Kwazulu Natal Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0023 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Kwazulu Natal Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0022(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in North West Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0022(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in North West Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0021(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Limpopo Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0021(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Limpopo Province for the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0020(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Mpumalanga Province for the department of rural development and land reform (Drdlr) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0020(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in Mpumalanga Province for the department of rural development and land reform (Drdlr) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022
- 5/2/2/1 - RDLR – 0019 (2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in gauteng province for the department of rural development and land reform (drdlr) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0019(2019/2020): Appointment of service provider to render security guarding and special services in gauteng province for the department of rural development and land reform (drdlr) for a period that will resume on the 01 september 2019 until 31 august 2022.
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0017(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider(s) to develop a baseline report as phase 1 for a national land use, development monitoring and scenario building tool to give effect to the requirements of the spatial planning and land use management act within a period of twelve (12) months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0016(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider(s) to develop a comprehensive capacity building and development strategy and an implementation plan for spatial planning, land use management and related fields for a period of ten (10) months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0015(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to review and finalize national land use classification within a period of ten (10) months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0014(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider(s) to develop a SPLUMA guidelines toolkit in terms of the Spatial Planning And Land Use Management act, 2013 (SPLUMA) for a period of over 10 months.
- 5/2/1/2/1-2019/2020: The appointment of a training provider/s to conduct research training for officials in the commission on restitution of land rights
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (718) 000R: Supply, delivery and erection of 28km 9 strand barbed wire fence for co-operatives that contribute to agri-parks in Amajuba District: Kwazulu-Natal
- OVG (01) 2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply, install, Configure and maintain an internet connectivity services to the office of the valuer general for a period of 36 months.
- OVG (01)2019/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply, install, configure and maintain an internet connectivity service to the Office of the Valuer General for a period of thirty six (36) months
- DRDLR-RID-FS 0006 (2018/2019): The appointment of a contractor to undertake the construction of a logistics centre (mechanization centre) and bulk services for the odendaalsrus farmer production support unit in odendaalsrus under Matjhabeng Local Municipality within Lejweleputswa District: Free State Province
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0013 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to develop a land reform master plan.
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0012(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to develop the vaal river regional spatial development framework within a period of eighteen (18) months
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0005 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to render hygiene services for the department of rural development and land reform head offices at 184 Jeff Masemola street, ICD building at 338 Thabo Sehume street and Capitol Towers’ building in (church square) Helen Joseph street for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (714) 3SP: Appointment of a service provider to develop single land use scheme for Nongoma Local Municipality (KZN 266), Zululand District Municipality (DC 22) in the province of Kwazulu-Natal, for a period of 12 months
- SSC WC Q03 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider` for the rendering of cleaning services for the regional land claims commission at George satellite office for a period of 24 months Western Cape.
- SSC WC 02 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider to supply 0.25m gsd digital colour aerial imagery in the KZN / Eastern Cape areas to the chief directorate: national geospatial information, Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray, Cape Town.
- SSC WC Q01 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a consultant to undertake specialist studies to inform the developable area for the proposed subdivision on erf 1325; Zeekoivlei; Cape Town : Western Cape Province
- DRDLR-MP0001(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to render cleaning and hygiene services for the department of rural development and land reform-Provincial Shared Service Centre for a period of thirty six (36) months.
- DRDLR-RID-FS 0007 (2018/2019): The appointment of contractor for the construction of kroonstad fspu logistic (mechanisation) centre under Moqhaka Local Municipality within the Fezile Dabi District Municipality: Free State Province
- DRDLR-MP 0001 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to render cleaning and hygiene services for the department of rural development and land reform - Mpumalanga Provincial Shared Service Centrer for a period of 36 months.
- CONMP0005 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the construction of a tractor shed at Huttington in Bushbuckridge Local Municipality in Ehlanzeni District Municipality in Mpumalanga Province.
- CONMP0004 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for the design and construction of 35 Houses with basic services in the Emakhazeni Local Municipality in Mpumalanga Province.
- CONMP0003 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for the design and construction of houses with basic services in portion 3 (portion of portion 1) of farm Elandshoek 358 Rd
- CONMP0002 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the construction of tractor shed dundonald in Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality In Gert Sibande District Municipality in Mpumalanga Province.
- CONMP0001 (2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for the design and construction of houses with basic services infrsastucture for evicted farm dwellers from Vaalpoort farm in pixley Ka Seme Local Municipality
- CONMP0007 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the renovation of a tractor shed at sybranskraal in Thembisile Hani Local Municipality in Nkalanga District In Mpumalanga Province.
- CONMP0006 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the desing, construction and commission of an early childhood development centre situated in Magogeni village In Nkomazi Local Municipality, Ehlanzeni
- 5/2/2/1-RD LR 0003(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider for installation of electricity using the wiring harness system in the 20 houses in gon’on’o Village, greater Giyani Local Municipality under Mopani District Municipality within a period of one month.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0004(2019/2020): appointment of a service provider to identify and map all fallow and active lands in South Africa within a period of 8 months.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0002(2019/2020): Appointment of a service provider to assist the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform with a national advertisement and response handling services for a period of two (2) years.
- 5/2/2/1-RDL R 0001 (2019/2020): Appointment of accredited private and ngo training providers onto a NARYSEC panel of training providers for a three-year period.
- 5/2/2/1 CON 0001 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the paving of 8.5km internal streets in Muyexe Village, Giyani Local Municipality, Limpopo Province.
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (5610) LRD: The supply, delivery and erection of 5 km mesh wire fence for the KwaGcamshane farm under 1HH1HA, situated at Abaqulusi Local Municipality within Zululand District Kwazulu Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (5607) LRD: The supply, delivery and erection of 5 km mesh wire fence for the Endunduluzi farm under 1HH1HA, situated in the Zululand District Municipality in the province of Kwazulu Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (715) 3SP: Appointment of a service provider to develop single land use scheme for Mkhambathini Local Municipality (KZN 266), Umgungundlovu District Municipality (DC 22) in the province of Kwazulu-Natal, for a period of 12 months
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (713) LRD: The supply, delivery and erection of 9 km mesh wire fence for the Kwadumbe farm under 1HH1HA, situated in the Zululand District Municipality in the province of Kwazulu Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (712) LRD: The supply, delivery and erection of 7 km mesh wire fence for the Mnqandane community trust farm under 1HH1HA, situated in the Zululand District Municipality in the province of Kwazulu Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (715) 3SP: Appointment of a service provider to develop single land use scheme for Mkhambathini Local Municipality (KZN 266), Umgungundlovu District Municipality (DC 22) in the province of Kwazulu-Natal, for a period of 12 months
- SS-KZN 7/1/66/3 (714) 3SP: Appointment of a service provider to develop single land use scheme for Nongoma Local Municipality (KZN 266), ZuluLand District Municipality (DC 22) in the province of Kwazulu-Natal, for a period of 12 months